Archive for scott pilgrim

Scott Pilgrim is Going to be a Movie

Posted in Comics, Movies with tags , , , on May 29, 2008 by dialgforgerald

In continuation of the current trend of Hollywood mining comic books for stories, Scott Pilgrim is going to make its way to the big screen. Scott Pilgrim starts like any teenage love story, with Scott falling in love with Ramon Flowers. But to date Ramona he must battle her seven evil ex-boyfriends. So yeah, it’s just like any teenage love story, only with a whole lot more fighting and leveling up.

So I decided to finally get to reading the comic book after I heard of the movie. Needless to say the comic kicked ass. The only think people might complain about is the lack of colors and the childlike drawing but even that worked quite well and it looked like a conscious choice by the creator to utilize the technique and not as a result of lack of talent. It kinda reminds me of Blankets which also lacked colors but made up for it with awesome characterization and emotion. Scott Pilgrim is more over the top though so don’t expect the clean line work and dramatic moments from Blankets. If anything, the line work in Scott Pilgrim is representative of the kind of balls to the wall action you can expect from this comic. There are also lots of tidbits and references which geeks will enjoy.

Also, in a bit of inspired casting Michael Cera will play Scott Pilgrim. Nice.

Michael Cera as Scott Pilgrim

Michael Cera has proven that he can play awkward in Juno and I have seen him in some over the top moments in Arrested Development so I think he’ll do a good job.

And now for some even better news, Die Hard hottie Mary Elizabeth Winstead is playing Ramona. She even looks a little like the character.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona Flowers

She played quite a rebel in Die Hard but I have my doubts if she can pull off the fighting because all she did in Die Hard is get captured. At least we’re sure that she can play hostage and she’s hot.

Watch out for this movie. If it’s half as good as the comic, it’s going to be awesome.